Transversality between academic research and entrepreneurship

Transversalité entre recherche universitaire et entrepreneuriat

1. Supporting research, training, meetings, symposia, seminars.
2.To support the publication of any analysis, work, thesis, nomenclature, falling within the scope of its purpose.
3. To award research grants for actions that fall within the scope of the Fund’s purpose.

4. Support actions aimed at international development.
5. Support institutions whose projects would generate interest in the areas financed by the Endowment Fund.
6. Purchase any movable or immovable property in order to pursue its activities.

Le Fonds de dotation de l’ IAE Paris-Sorbonne

 The IAE Paris-Sorbonne Endowment Fund :
1/ to reinforce the public action carried out by IAE Paris-Sorbonne through various actions of general interest financed through patronage.
2/ to bring together people from the economic and academic world and promote the development of IAE Paris-Sorbonne.


An agreement was signed between IAE Paris-Sorbonne and the Endowment Fund to define the actions carried out by each. The Fund can also directly finance actions and provides resources to teacher-researchers for the realization of their work and its dissemination.
The “team-building” between IAE Paris-Sorbonne research and the Endowment Fund is operational.

Nous remercions nos 1ers partenaires et ceux qui nous rejoignent pour leur soutien

Crédit Agricole