Les chaires de recherche
Research Chairs

Rethinking innovation and disruption in our territories to be a source of economic, social and ecological value creation.

Research Chairs

La recherche et les chaires

A Chair is above all a relationship built on trust and duration between a company and the university.

Its objectives are to respond to the needs of Higher Education and University Research by creating a real synergy, the benefits of which will be mutual.

The IAE Paris-Sorbonne Research Chairs bring together representatives of the socio-economic world (companies, consulting firms, …) and researchers specializing in a particular theme. Their work gives rise to publications and conferences open to the public.

Between Chairs and Endowment Funds; essential links for innovation and creation

A good example is the creation of the ETI Chair: Entrepreneurship-Territory-Innovation.

The world is changing. The convergence of an urbanized world with hyper connectivity has changed the way of living and doing business in our territories. In this complex and interdependent world in transition, we need to rethink the links between economy, territory and society. Businesses and national and local authorities must take the measure of these changes in order to survive:

Value creation takes different forms, business models are being renewed, and organisations are reinventing themselves both internally and in their relationships with stakeholders (customers and suppliers, territory, employees, social networks).

In this context, all players must reposition themselves and develop new capacities for adaptation and learning.

Disruptions, servicization, dematerialization, ecosystems, inclusive innovation, sustainability, collaborative economy, ubiquity, social reputation, are all realities that must be mastered to build change.

Didier Chabaud Directeur Général de la chaire ETI


Didier Chabaud
Director of the ETI Chair


« Think of the territory as a whole. A city is a place where you live, work, keep fit, have leisure activities. There are several functions of the city. »


The research axes of the ETI Chair consist in contributing to the creation of economic, social and environmental values in our territories.

 Today we are faced with a range of challenges, ecological, social, economic and technological. All these challenges require us to rethink territories, territorial dynamics, on the one hand at the level of the city, a smart city, in which technologies have an increasingly marked impact, but also at the level of peripheral territories, rural territories, often called constrained territories or territories with a low density of innovation, which without action, risk seeing their jobs, their population, disappear in a negative spiral. These lines of research are accompanied by a whole section on modelling, analysis of territories, how to make diagnoses, how to analyse them, how to understand the creation of activity in the territories which will give rise to different projects. For example, the “Portes de Paris” project, in which the Chair works with a whole ecosystem made up of private players, local authorities and schools to model a territory in all its dimensions.


A city is a place where you live, work, keep fit, have leisure activities. There are many functions of the city.

The idea is to find ways and means, to design tools to model a neighbourhood, a city: this territory there to satisfy the citizens. Or from which, on the contrary, they have to move away. A useful tool for a diagnosis, to help communities think about how to redevelop a territory. Thinking about the territory as a whole. That a territory, a city for example, has access to all the fundamental elements in a quarter of an hour in soft mobility, because otherwise there is potentially an imbalance and a drop in quality of life. For more information, you can consult the ETI Chair’s website.


See the website of the ETI Chair


Missions of the ETI Chair - Entrepreneurship-Territory-Innovation

In order to achieve its objectives, the work programme is structured around two sets of actions:

  1. Research actions are the fundamental element of knowledge creation within the Chair.
  2. They involve the conduct of a programme of research and studies, using rigorous methodologies, by the teams involved in the Chair.
  3. Academic and professional members involved in the Chair
  4. The funding of doctoral and post-doctoral grants, as well as the supervision of CIFRE doctoral students.
  5. The policy of inviting international professors and experts.

The 2023 Activity Report of the IAE Paris-Sorbonne Endowment Fund

Our annual report and financial statements are still available.


The 2022 Activity Report of the IAE Paris-Sorbonne Endowment Fund

Our annual report and financial statements are still available.


The 2021 Activity Report of the IAE Paris-Sorbonne Endowment Fund

Our annual report and financial statements are still available.


The 2020 Activity Report of the IAE Paris-Sorbonne Endowment Fund

Our annual report and financial statements are still available.

Rapport d'activite 2020

IAE Paris-Sorbonne Endowment Fund 2020 Activity Report

Our annual report as well as that of the annual accounts is now available

